Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas

We hope you have a blessed, healthy, happy, Merry Christmas.
Love-Nathan, Ashley, & Brayden

Baby Jesus

Brayden's sitter did christmas party with all of the children's families, the kids had been practicing the christmas story program. It was very cute, and some of the little ones got stage fright but it still turned out so well. Brayden had the leading role as Baby Jesus ;) After their play, we had dinner, and then we celebrated by having a Baby Jesus' (the real one) birthday party. I love that she teaches the real meaning of Christmas to all of them, and what a better way to get it through 3 and 4 year olds than to have a birthday party!!!!!

Its Cereal Time

Brayden got his first feeding of cereal a couple of weeks ago, and he loved it. Here is a video of his first feeding. Soo cute, and I cant believe how well he took to it his first time, and he has only gotten better from there---well as long as he isnt too tired to eat from the spoon.

We are Behind!!!

I know I know...its been a long time--who knew the holidays could be so busy. I honestly thought with the Bray being here we would be less busy, but I was obviously mistaken. But I love it, and with Christmas being tomorrow I think I am more excited than when I was little, especially now that the bad weather seems to have passed. So I think I havent updated pics from Thanksgiving---oh wait I didnt get many pics of thanksgiving or the weekend to follow. I dont know why, I guess it just flew by too quickly....I did get a few though, and one of my favorites is the cutest picture of our little nephew Cohen lovin on Brayden. I cant wait to see how they are together this coming weekend. I promise I will remember to take more pictures!!!
Cohen lovin on Brayden
Cohen is helping Aunt Jesie open up presents for the upcoming newest little addition to the Flinn family---three boys---we cant wait!
Before we headed back to Illinois we had to stop and see Aunt Brookie, so we met at the Mills for some dinner and to get a feeding in for Bray and it gave Brooke some time to snuggle with our little man.