Thursday, August 7, 2008

33/34/35 Weeks

The Flinns have been pretty busy the past couple of weeks. Last weekend we moved to a townhouse giving us more room for baby and ourselves, and the best part is I am closer to work, YAY for not as much $ going to gas---my biggest pet peeve for the moment! Yesterday we had a doctors appt where everything is still looking great! Next week we go for another ultrasound and some other tests to make sure he isnt getting too big in there and were both healthy. Then one more week and we are considered full term....I cant wait to meet my roly poly little boy. For now we are almost completely unpacked, besides the items we had in storage---and we are working nightly on getting ready for is a picture of daddy tackling one of the many "baby gear" items that needed to be put together. I will have more pics after this weekend, my sisters are throwing me my last baby shower where we will be playing "baby bunco", and hopefully we will have pictures of all of our hard work we are planning on doing--- where our goal is the have the car seat installed, the rest of the items put together, the laundry done, and all the remaining needed items bought = shopping---my favorite part ;)

1 comment:

Mende said...

We are very excited for you and Nathan and can't wait until Baby Flinn arrives!
